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How Do I Know If the Reiki Energy Is Flowing?

How do I know if the Reiki Energy is flowing


In a world where stress, anxiety, and the demands of daily life often leave us feeling drained and disconnected, many people are moving towards alternative therapies such as Reiki to restore balance and promote well-being.

Reiki has gained so much popularity in recent years, however many people don’t understand how this energy healing technique utilises the flow of energy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support physical and emotional healing. For those new to Reiki, or even those who have had Reiki many times, we will explore some common signs and experiences that may indicate the presence of Reiki energy during a session and how you may enhance your own experience.






During a Reiki session, both the practitioner and the recipient can experience sensations of heat or cold in various parts of the body. These change in temperature sensations are often described as a gentle warmth or a cool breeze passing over the skin or deep within certain body parts. These temperature fluctuations are the result of the energy flowing through the body and are a common indication that Reiki energy is at work.

Here are 3 techniques you may like to use to enhance these sensations during your session:

Visualisation Techniques

During your session, you may like to visualise sensations of warmth or cold spreading throughout your body. This is particularly useful if you wish to work with pushing the Reiki energy into an area where you are experiencing pain, or perhaps a chakra area where you feel unbalanced.

Visualisation can enhance the mind-body connection and amplify the sensations. For example, you imagine a warm, glowing light or flame at the area you choose or a refreshing coolness such as a fan blowing or water washing over you like cool water or ice being rubbed over the site.

Breathing Exercises

At the beginning of your Reiki session, start with three deep, conscious breaths deep into your belly to increase relaxation and sensitivity to the energy flow. Then throughout the session, take slow breaths in through the nose into the belly area and then out through the nose. Image you are drawing in warm or cool energy, and if it is more comfortable exhale slowly through the mouth. With intention, allow the breath to release all tension or discomfort from the area of concern in your body. Controlled breathing can help heighten your awareness of subtle sensations of temperature variances.

Setting Intention

Before the session begins, it can be helpful to set an intention to enhance your experience of heat or cold sensations. You may choose to mentally affirm your openness to receiving and amplifying these sensations throughout the session. Setting intention can focus your mind and energy, making you more receptive to the effects of heat and cold reflections of the Reiki energy, intensifying the sensations you experience.

Here are some intentions for inspiration:

"I open myself to the flow of Reiki energy, embracing and amplifying the sensations of heat and cold throughout this session, enhancing my experience and deepening my connection with the healing energies."

"With intention and receptivity, I welcome the warmth and coolness of Reiki energy, allowing these sensations to envelop me and magnify my experience, guiding me towards profound relaxation and rejuvenation."



Another common sign that Reiki energy is flowing is the sensation of tingling or pulsing in the body. This may occur in specific areas where energy blockages are being released or redistributed. Many people report feeling a subtle vibration or pulsation during Reiki as the energy moves through them, promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being.

Here are 3 techniques you may like to use to enhance these sensations during your session:

Body Scan Meditation

As your Reiki session begins, take yourself through a body scan meditation. Move your focused attention on each part of your body, starting at your toes and feet and slowly moving up through your body, along your legs, torso, back, shoulders and up to your head. As you focus on each area, visualise or imagine a tingling or pulsing sensation spreading throughout that specific body part. This mindfulness practice can heighten awareness of subtle energy movements and intensify the sensations you feel during your treatment.

Sound Therapy

Request sound therapy during your treatment, asking your practitioner to play soft, soothing music or use sound healing tools such as singing bowls or Koshi chimes. Certain frequencies and vibrations may enhance the energy flow and stimulate tingling or pulsing sensations in the body. As the music plays, pay attention to how different sounds resonate within your body and within your auric or etheric field. Notice changes in the sensations you experience during the session and how your body may react to the music. Is your body in sync with the music and do any rhythmic sounds of chimes or bells resonate with you on a physical level?

Intentional Touch

In my practice, I rarely use hands-on Reiki techniques, and if you also have a practitioner who ‘hovers’ or ‘beams’ Reiki as I do, ask them to use intentional touch to stimulate tingling or pulsing sensations throughout the body. Ask your practitioner to lightly place their hands as they work, particularly at the chakras, specific energy centres or areas where you are feeling pain or discomfort. Focus your own attention at the site of your practitioners’ hands and relax into the subtle sensations of gentle pulsing or tingling which may occur. This tactile stimulation may deepen your experience and enhance the overall effectiveness of the session. Having said that, this technique may enhance the physical sensations, if you are not experiencing the feelings with the 'hover' technique.


It is really common for clients to report experiences of seeing swirling colours and textures during a Reiki session. Heightened sensations of swirling colours and textures signify profound alignment with Reiki's healing powers, facilitating transformative healing on all levels. Each colour holds its own vibrational frequency and corresponds to different aspects of your being, such as emotions, thoughts, and physical health.

The swirling colours and changing textures within the swirls may represent the movement and interaction of energy within your energy field, indicating areas of imbalance, blockages, or harmonious flow.

For example:

Red - Symbolises grounding, vitality, and survival instincts. Seeing swirling red colours may indicate a need for grounding and strengthening of the root chakra, which governs feelings of security and stability.

Corresponding Chakra - ROOT

Orange - Represents creativity, passion, and emotional balance. Swirling orange colours may suggest a need to unleash creative energy or address emotional blockages related to relationships or self-expression.

Corresponding Chakra - SACRAL

Yellow - Signifies personal power, confidence, and mental clarity. Witnessing swirling yellow colours may indicate a strengthening of the solar plexus chakra, promoting self-esteem, and empowerment.

Corresponding Chakra - SOLAR PLEXUS

Green - Associated with love, compassion, and healing. Swirling green colours may indicate a focus on heart chakra healing, fostering forgiveness, empathy, and self-love.

Corresponding Chakra - HEART

Blue -Symbolises communication, truth, and spiritual awakening. Seeing swirling blue colours may suggest a need for throat chakra balancing, promoting authentic expression and clear communication.

Corresponding Chakra - THROAT

Indigo - Represents intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. Witnessing swirling indigo colours may indicate activation of the third eye chakra, enhancing psychic abilities and intuition.

Corresponding Chakra - THIRD EYE

Violet - Signifies spiritual connection, transformation, and divine guidance. Swirling violet colours may suggest alignment of the crown chakra, facilitating spiritual awakening and connection to higher consciousness.

Corresponding Chakra - CROWN


Here are 3 techniques you may like to use to enhance these sensations during your session:


Utilise the power of scent by incorporating aromatherapy into the session. Choose essential oils known for their grounding and balancing properties, such as lavender, frankincense, or sandalwood. Ask for the oils to be used during your session which have a specific alignment to a colour you would like to work with. Your practitioner may diffuse your chosen oil in a burner or diffuser, dab it onto an eye pillow or apply it diluted to your wrists or neck before the session begins. Inhale deeply and focus on the scent throughout the session, allowing it to amplify the sensations of colours and texture visualisation and promote a deeper sense of relaxation and energetic alignment. Here are some essential oils suggestions which correspond to the chakra colours:

Red: Cedarwood, Patchouli, Ginger

Orange: Sweet Orange, Bergamot, Neroli

Yellow: Lemon, Lemongrass, Grapefruit

Green: Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Peppermint

Blue: Chamomile, Blue Tansy, Lavender

Indigo: Frankincense, Clary Sage, Juniper

Violet: Lavender, Geranium, Jasmine

Nature Immersion Visualisation

Envision being embraced by nature's healing energies during Reiki. Visualise lush forests, tranquil beaches, or majestic mountains. Immerse in sensory details of the beautiful colours and textures found in nature such as vibrant green leaves and their unique textures, smooth rolling hills and the majesty of angular mountainscapes. Visualise the soothing blue waters of the ocean and natural water pools or a clear blue sky, browns, golds, reds and yellows of natural earthy formations of cliffs and caves and their varying textures. Connect with nature's colours and textures, mirroring their inner energy flow. Surrender to healing energies, allowing them to penetrate deeply.

Journaling and Reflection

Keep a journal to document the reflections of your experiences you may have before, during, and after your Reiki session. Write about any sensations of colours you experience, as well as any insights or emotions that arise during the session. You may reflect on how these sensations and experiences relate to the colours and textures you may have seen during your session.

Journaling can be a powerful tool to align the colours with emotional, spiritual or physical experiences you are having. This self-discovery and integration, allows you to deepen your connection to the healing energies present during the Reiki session and integrate them into your daily life.


At the heart of Reiki lies the important objective of inducing a state of deep relaxation, inviting the body to work on the process of self-healing. Many people who enjoy Reiki treatments say they experience a calming sense of tranquillity, similar to immersing themself in a deep meditative state. This state of deep relaxation stands as testament to the presence of Reiki energy, its gentle flow permeating the inner being and nurturing physical and emotional well-being.

Here are 3 techniques you may like to use to enhance these sensations during your session:

Guided Imagery

Prior to your treatment, ask your Reiki practitioner to incorporate guided imagery to facilitate deep relaxation. Ask if they can guide you through a visualisation exercise where you imagine yourself in a peaceful, serene environment, such as a tranquil garden, a secluded beach, or your any location you prefer. As you are being guided, use all of your senses to fully immerse into this imagined landscape, experiencing the colours, sounds, smells, and textures. This visualisation can help you drift away to complete tranquillity, release stress and tension, promoting a state of profound relaxation during your Reiki session.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Similar to one of the techniques above, take yourself through a progressive muscle relaxation technique to release physical tension and induce deep relaxation. Before your treatment begins, let your practitioner know you are using this technique, so they are aware of what you plan to do during the session. Your practitioner may assist with this process if you wish.

Working upwards from your toes and feet, move your attention along through your body, moving along your legs, your torso, back, neck and up to the top of your head, systematically tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body. Focus on the sensation of relaxation spreading through your body with each exhalation, letting go of any tightness or discomfort you may be holding onto.

Reiki, How Do I Know If the Energy Is Flowing?


Silently chanting or repeating positive affirmations or intentions during your treatment can help shift your mindset and increase your relaxation during your treatment, deepening your connection to the healing process.

Here are some affirmations which may resonate with you:

  • I am deeply relaxed and open to receiving healing energy

  • I am surrounded by love and light

  • Every cell in my body vibrates with health and vitality

  • I release all that no longer serves me

  • I trust in the wisdom of my body to heal itself

  • I am at peace with where I am on my healing journey

  • I am worthy of love, joy, and abundance

  • I am connected to the infinite wisdom of the universe

  • I am grateful for the opportunity to heal and grow through my energy healing experiences

  • I am filled with peace, love, and joy



As Reiki works to balance the body's energy centres, known as chakras, it is not uncommon for people to experience emotional release during a session. This can at times manifest as tears, laughter, or a sudden surge of emotions as stagnant energy is released and emotional blockages are cleared. While this can be a cathartic experience, it is important to allow these emotions to surface and be processed in a safe and supportive way.

Here are 3 techniques you may like to use to enhance these sensations during your session:

Crystal Healing

Talk with your Reiki practitioner when you make your booking and ask if they use are able to use crystal therapy.  The practitioner will place crystals or gemstones on or around your body to amplify the healing energy of Reiki and promote balance and harmony within your energy field.

Discuss the specific emotions or issues you are experiencing, so the practitioner can select specific crystals for your needs. For example, rose quartz may be used for promoting love and healing emotional wounds, while amethyst can aid in calming the mind and alleviating anxiety. The practitioner may choose citrine for boosting confidence and self-esteem, or black tourmaline for grounding and protection. The crystals will be intuitively placed in a grid on or around your body in alignment with the chakras or areas of tension. It is important to let your practitioner know if you have identified any specific areas where you feel emotional blockages or discomfort.

Chakra Balancing

Focus on working with your practitioner for balancing your chakras to promote emotional release and healing. Each chakra is associated with different emotions and aspects of the self, and imbalances in these energy centres can lead to emotional blockages. During the session, the Reiki practitioner will work to cleanse and balance your chakras, paying particular attention to any areas where you may be holding onto emotional tension or trauma. If you are able, visualise these energy centres opening and releasing stagnant emotions, allowing them to experience a sense of emotional cleansing and balancing.

Journaling and Reflection

Incorporate journaling and reflective exercises into your session to help facilitate emotional release and processing. Purchase a specific journal for this activity, and after your treatment, write down any thoughts, feelings, or memories that emerged during the Reiki session. Explore these emotions through writing, expressing yourself freely and openly without self-censorship. After each treatment, reflect on your previous journal entries and write in any insights or revelations that emerged during the session. This will help you to gain clarity and perspective on your emotions and experiences and have a record of the growth you are experiencing.


In addition to promoting physical and emotional healing, Reiki may also enhance intuition and insight. It is a common experience during or after a Reiki treatment to gain clarity or perspective on personal issues or life challenges.

This heightened sense of awareness is often attributed to the clearing and balancing of energy centres, particularly the higher chakras. This clearing and balancing allows for a deeper connection to one's inner wisdom and intuition.

In addition to the techniques below, you may like to incorporate smudging with sage or palo santo to clear stagnant energy creating a sacred space to open up your intuition prior to leaving for your Reiki treatment. You may also opt to refrain from wearing any colognes of perfumes which may disconnect or interfere with any messages or downloads you may be receiving.

Here are 3 techniques you may like to use to enhance these sensations during your session:

Meditative Silence

Prior to your Reiki session, incorporating meditative silence can aid in deepening the connection to intuition and inner guidance. You may use this time to quiet the mind, allowing Reiki energy to flow seamlessly during your treatment and facilitate healing. The stillness provides a space for intuitive insights and messages to emerge naturally. Post-session, meditative silence supports integration of the healing energies and reflection on the experience, gaining deeper insights into your healing journey, fostering clarity and empowerment.

Oracle Cards and Tarot

Use oracle or tarot cards as a tool for accessing intuition and gaining insight with your Reiki session. Ask your practitioner if they have oracle or tarot cards for you to select a card at the beginning of the session. If they don’t, you may choose to take along your own cards if you have them. Select a card, either intuitively or with a specific question or intention in mind.

Throughout the session, use the imagery and messages on the card or cards as a point of reflection and guidance, allowing those messages to spark intuitive insights and deeper understanding of your Reiki session.

Intuitive Energy Reading

Work with a Reiki practitioner who uses intuitive energy readings as part of the Reiki session. They will be able to work with you to help develop insight into your energetic patterns and blockages. Your practitioner will work with you to help awaken and develop your intuitive abilities to sense and interpret shifts and changes in your energy field, identifying areas of imbalance or stagnation. If you are comfortable in sharing your observations with your practitioner, affirm with them that this will be done so in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner. Ask your practitioner to offer insight and guidance as to how you can work with your energy to deepen your intuition and promote healing and growth. Always trust in your own intuition and inner wisdom as you work through this new learning process and your healing journey.

Whilst these energetic signs and experiences can provide valuable feedback that Reiki energy is flowing, it's important to remember that everyone's experience with Reiki is unique.

Some people may notice these signs more prominently than others, while some may have subtle or more profound experiences. Ultimately, the efficacy of Reiki lies in its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support the body's natural healing processes, regardless of whether the energy flow is readily apparent or noticeable. Every experience of Reiki is beneficial, Reiki will never do harm and is a tool of pure Universal Love & Light on your healing journey.

With Reiki Love & Light,

Ness Clare - Serene Valley Holistic Therapies


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